37: Using Knives & Whittling in Nature-Based Therapy Sessions with Children

Today we’re discussing using KNIVES in nature-based therapy sessions!

You’ll learn:

• Age-ranges for starting knife use in therapy sessions.

• Types of wood that work well for whittling

• My go-to simple treatment activity to start teaching whittling to children

• The exact type and brand of knife to get and why

• 3 things you must teach children when introducing knives in nature-based therapy sessions

• The safest positioning and carving technique for beginning whittling with children If you have questions or comments about whittling with children, share them in the Therapy in the Great Outdoors Community and let’s discuss!

P.S. ConTiGO enrollment will open Nov. 1-7, 2023!

ConTiGO (Connection & Transformation in the Great Outdoors) is a comprehensive program to help you start your nature-based therapy work with children. In ConTiGO, you’ll learn the how-to’s of nature-based practice based on evidence, plus get time-saving done-for-you resources AND ongoing mentoring for support as you grow your nature-based work with children. You can check out everything included at www.contigoapproach.com

I only open enrollment to people who are on the waitlist. Join the waitlist at www.contigoapproach.com to get the link to enroll during the last enrollment period for 2023: November 1-7, 2023.