42: 6 Things You Must Do To Be Successful in Nature-Based Pediatric Practice

Lots of people dream about nature-based therapy practice. Far fewer actually start and grow a successful nature-based therapy practice that is profitable and sustainable over the long haul. I just finished reading Dorie Clark’s book, The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term World…and I couldn’t help thinking about how everything she shared related to my experiences starting and growing my nature-based pediatric therapy practice. In episode 42 of the TGO Podcast, I’m sharing the lessons I learned from this book and highlighting 6 things you must do to be successful in nature-based pediatric practice.

You’ll hear my thoughts and stories on:

[04:33] Setting high goals.

[07:20] Sticking with things even when they’re hard.

[09:59] Understanding that growth is exponential, not linear.

[11:51] Remembering why you do the work you do.

[12:55] Learning from the right role models.

[18:03] Never underestimating the amount of work it will take.

If you want support in starting and growing a profitable nature-based therapy practice, I’ve got you covered!

Join the Therapy in the Great Outdoors Community - Free & low-cost resources and networking for nature-based therapists

The ConTiGO Approach™ - Nature-Based Therapy Certification & Mentoring Program

Business Hive - Year-Long Group Business Coaching Program for Nature-Based Business Owners