47: How To Start Your Nature-Based Pediatric Practice

In this episode, I share the answers to frequently asked questions about starting a nature-based pediatric practice.

You’ll learn:

🌱How I started Outdoor Kids OT (OKOT), my nature-based pediatric practice, and how it grew.

🌱How the ConTiGO (Connection & Transformation in the Great Outdoors) Approach was developed. 😁

🌱Start-up logistics: finding a location, getting liability insurance, and grouping children for services.

🌱Structure of our nature-based OT groups at OKOT: length of sessions and the different activities we include in each group. You can get a bunch of treatment activities to try in my book.

🌱Systems needed for nature-based therapy: Nature-based therapy is not just nature play. There is a therapy process behind nature-based therapy in which you individualize the support for children based on their needs as you carry out your therapy services as a co-facilitator with nature.

Next week on the podcast, we'll delve into the topic of the differences between nature-based learning/enrichment/education versus nature-based therapy. So stay tuned!

Link to download my 2020 article on the ConTiGO Approach™

ANNOUNCEMENT: The ConTiGO Approach™ Nature-Based Therapy Certification & Mentoring Program will open for enrollment next week January 15-19, 2024. If you want to truly develop expertise as a nature-based pediatric therapist, this is for you. Check out the program and join the waitlist at www.contigoapproach.com to be notified when enrollment opens. We open enrollment only 3 times per year.